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How to schedule summer childcare from relatives?

March 12, 2013

Summer childcare is more than scheduling summer camps. Are you one of the lucky families who have relatives living in the same town and willing to help with summer babysitting? If you answered yes, then the first part of your summer planning is probably not scheduling camps. You need to get together with your relatives to determine the exact dates and times that they can commit to being available. Chances are that your relatives may not commit to 8 hours a day for 10 to 12 weeks so you still may need some camps later. However, free help especially from the people you trust most with your children should always be your first priority. PlanSummer lets you mark which relative, when and what times on your schedule so you can visually see where you may need to fill in with summer camps.

Just some additional insight from a mother who is fortunate to live near her relatives. Time with grandparents is very special. In fact, I have heard a few stories about amazing granny camps where grandmothers planned exciting activities for every day of the week. The grandmas seem to enjoy it almost more than the kids. I hear it keeps grandparents young. Now every relative can’t be Mary Poppins so it may make sense to enroll your children in free half day camps like vacation bible schools to provide a little break from a full 8 hour day of babysitting. The nice part about a half day camp is that transportation to and from is being provided by your well, rested relatives. Whew! It is nice to have one less thing to coordinate and worry about.

At PlanSummer, we know that it takes a village so we created our program to help coordinate all of the people whom you trust with your children. PlanSummer makes it easy to organize  relatives, half day camps and pick up times through our scheduling program. In addition, we even make it easy to share and remind family members by using our calendar export feature. Now your children can enjoy spending time with family over the summer while you continue to provide for your family.


3 Comments leave one →
  1. March 14, 2013 2:19 am

    Anything that can keep moms and THEIR MOMS organized is brilliant!


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